MICHAEL M TSONTOS S.A. has invested in human resources, recognizing it as its most valuable asset. Apart from equipment and means, the active role of human resources is the key to a steady and successful course.
Developing long-term partnerships, MICHAEL M. TSONTOS SA is now staffed by a team of selected technicians and managers who are distinguished for their excellent theoretical training and their long experience on the firld of the company.
Currently, there are 21 Engineers, 2 Project Managers, 1 Head of Information Technology and IT, 1 Safety Technician, 5 people for secretarial and accounting support, foremen and technical staff of all specialties amounts to 50 people. Everyone has a permanent working relationship with the company. More specifically for the engineers, their specializations are as follows:
- Mechanical Engineers: 7
- Civil Engineers: 9
- Electrical Engineers: 3
- Architecture Engineers: 2
The technical staff’s qualifications cover all the aspects of application of a technical project and include plumbers (specialists in fire-fighting facilities), electricians (specialists in medium-voltage, fire detection, BMS, IDS, CCTV optical fiber networks using proprietary related equipment) ventilators and air conditioning technicians, electric welders and technical engineers for large-scale construction and also craftsmen of reinforced concrete, building, coating and painting.
All staff are continuously trained, regularly or extraordinarilly, as described in the annual Staff Training Program or as it emerges from the company’s current needs.